livycat YEARS IN CPU

10 Years of Teaching
My KIDS - Page 1
My KIDS - Page 2



I served CPU since June 1998. Resigned, effective February 2011.  During the time I was with CPU, I was glad that I was able to do what I ought to do, TEACH and be a MENTOR, as well as a ROLE MODEL and FRIEND to those around me in that community.

I taught as a Part-time Faculty under the Department of Electrical and Electronics and Communications Engineering, College of Engineering for the First Semester 1998-1999. I was eventually hired to teach Full-time starting Second Semester of 1998-1999. Been teaching until I went on a Leave-of-Absence on June 2009.

I also taught as a Faculty of the School of Graduate Studies since 2002. While with the Graduate School, I get to be the teacher of some of my colleagues and former teachers while I was still in college.


Taught the Following Subjects/Courses:

Electrical Engineering – Electromagnetics, Feedback Control System, Power System, Engineering Project Design, and Circuits

Mathematics – Algebra, Trigonometry, Differential & Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Analytic Geometry, Solid Mensuration, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, & Numerical Methods

College Physics and Mechanics

Official Photo in My CPU Employee ID

Basic Electrical Engineering and Circuits I Laboratory Experiment Manual
Used by the College of Engineering, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines
June 2004 to 2009

Lecture Notes in Control Systems
Used by the College of Engineering, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines
November 2006 to 2009

Lecturer / Resource Person
Seminar on “Equipment Maintenance: Theories and Strategies”
July 29, 2006
Attended by: Electrical Engineers from Panay Power Co., Panay Electric Cooperative, and Instructors of Electrical Engineering; and Engineering Students of Central Philippine University, Western Institute of Technology, and Western Visayas College of Science and Technology.
Conference Hall, Fourth Floor Uy Building, Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

TV Show Host, Steps of Faith (CPU Alumni Channel)
Cable Star Network, Inc., Channel 36, Iloilo City, Philippines
November 2002–March 2005
Sky Cable Network, Inc., Channel 8, Iloilo City, Philippines
June 2005 – May 2006
Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Speaker / Lecturer
Seminar and Training on Electromechanical Energy Conversion and Transmission Line Simulation
January 29-30, 2004
Awarded by the College of Engineering and Architecture, Panay State Polytechnic College
Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines
College of Engineering, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines

Lecturer / Resource Person
Seminar on “Equipment Maintenance: Theories and Strategies”
July 26, 2003
Attended by Engineering Students of: Central Philippine University, Western Institute of Technology, and Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
College of Engineering, Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Adviser / Trainer – CPU College of Engineering Poetry Choir Group
Champion, University Day Contests, 2000-2003, 2006-2008
Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines

Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering Department Outreach Program: House Wiring, Transmission Line Installation, Solar Panel Installation Outreach Activities Conducted in:
Brgy. Luyang and Brgy. Tabong-Tabong, Sibalum, Antique - January 16-17, 2003
Brgy. Taloato and Brgy. Maayon, San Dionesio, Iloilo - March 12-14, 2003
Brgy. Botbot and Brgy. Pamandayan, Hamtic, Antique - October 20-21, 2003
Brgy. Calapadan and Brgy. Lanas, Barbaza, Antique - October 18-21, 2004
Brgy. Panpanan Uno and Brgy. Panpanan Dos, San Remegio, Antique - December 15-19, 2004
Brgy. Rosal, Libacao, Aklan - November 24-27, 2005
Brgy. Badiangan and Brgy. Agbobolo, Ajuy, Iloilo - December 19 & 20, 2006
Brgy. Camia, Brgy. Nagsipit, and Brgy. Igbinangon, San Joaquin, Iloilo – April 21-22, 2007
Brgy. Igpatuyao, Sebaste, Antique - December 11 to 14, 2008

A Photo Wearing One of the Many Faculty Uniforms

CPU Russel Professorial Chair Award – 2007-2008
CPU Glade Wilcox Professorial Chair Award – 2002-2005
CPU College of Engineering - Most Outstanding EE/ECE Teacher – 2001-2003
Most Outstanding Teacher of the College of Engineering – Rank #4 – 2001-2002
Most Outstanding Teacher of the College of Engineering – Rank #2 – 2002-2003



A University committed to Exemplary Christian Education for Life (EXCEL) and responsive to the needs of the total person and the world.


The mission of Central Philippine University is to carry out a program of spiritual, intellectual, moral, scientific, technological, and cultural training, and allied studies under influences which strengthen Christian faith, build up character and promote scholarship, research and community service.

Quality Policy

To fulfill the mission and realize the vision of Central Philippine University, we commit to consistently provide superior quality services by integrating Christian values, academic excellence, highest level of professionalism, and quality considerations in every aspect of our operations. We maintain a quality management system that complies with international quality standards. We continually improve to achieve global excellence that satisfies the expectations of the university community, partner institutions, and the general public.

CPU Main Gate (The Second Gate)

Core Values


The act of believing the things God Has revealed about himself and acting on those beliefs. This includes commitment, cooperation, trust, and cofidence.


The aggregate features and traits that form the individual's nature of a person, moral quality, and good report. This includes honesty, integrity, humility and loyalty.


Righteousness or lawfulness and fairness. It is observing due process in administering the deserved punishment or reward. This includes fairness, equality, morality and peace.


The proper and responsible management of life, position, possessions, and other resources entrusted by God to man. This includes service, accountablity, culture, and outreach.


The highly commendable quality or feature of a person's worth and/or deeds. This includes competence, technology, scholarship and research.

CPU College of Engineering Building

The Central Decalogue

Ref.: 1960 Student handbook, reprinted in the Central Time 1905-2005, p.22. The oldest version can be found in the 1946 issue of the Centralite.
Publishing House, 1996

I believe in Central Philippine University because she believes in the future of the Filipino youth;

I believe in her democratic spirit;

I believe in her emphasis on scholarship and character is sacred;

I believe in her teaching that the human personality is sacred and its dignity should be upheld over and above the arrogance of wealth and the tyranny of power;

I believe in her educating the poor in order to lift them up and free them from the shackles of social and religious prejudice, ignorance, and superstition;

I believe in her educating the rich in order to imbue them with high social conscience for imaginative vision, generous attitudes, civilized humility, and sacrificial dedication to the welfare of the people;

I believe in her classroom instruction which insists that students must be free to explore honestly any area of knowledge and push back the horizons of their intellect and educate the emotions of the heart;

I believe in the freedom and fearlessness of her professors to discuss ideas and issues without imposing their will, but guiding the youth along the path of broadmindedness, independence, self-reliance, and creativeness;

I believe in the necessity of research in the atmosphere of freedom because a university is not truly a university unless it carries on research;

I believe that a university with a Christian base and a Christian orientation should be more progressive and more daring in pressing ahead of its times in all things, to the end that the human spirit will come to full flowering under constant ferment.

College of Engineering Faculty & Staff

Name (Recognizable to Me)
E-Mail Address
Cellphone Number
Comments, Suggestions, & Inquiries

I'm an all-around person. I can be a daughter, sister, mother, father, friend, teacher, lover, enemy, and stranger to people around me. A person can either hate me, admire me, laught at me, miss me, or love me.