Basic Electrical Engineering and Circuits I Laboratory Experiment Manual
Used by the College of Engineering, Central
Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines
June 2004 to 2009
Lecture Notes in Control Systems
Used by the College of Engineering, Central
Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines
November 2006 to 2009
/ Resource Person
on “Equipment Maintenance: Theories and Strategies”
July 29, 2006
Attended by: Electrical Engineers from Panay Power Co., Panay Electric Cooperative,
and Instructors of Electrical Engineering; and Engineering Students of Central Philippine University, Western Institute of
Technology, and Western Visayas College of Science and Technology.
Conference Hall, Fourth Floor Uy Building, Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo
City, Philippines
TV Show Host, Steps of Faith (CPU Alumni Channel)
Cable Star Network, Inc., Channel 36, Iloilo
City, Philippines
2002–March 2005
Cable Network, Inc., Channel 8, Iloilo City, Philippines
June 2005 – May 2006
Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Speaker / Lecturer
Seminar and Training on Electromechanical Energy Conversion and Transmission Line Simulation
January 29-30, 2004
Awarded by the College of Engineering and Architecture,
Panay State Polytechnic College
Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines
College of Engineering, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines
Lecturer / Resource Person
Seminar on “Equipment Maintenance: Theories and Strategies”
July 26, 2003
Attended by Engineering Students of: Central
Philippine University, Western Institute of Technology, and Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
College of Engineering, Central Philippine
University, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
/ Trainer – CPU College of Engineering Poetry Choir Group
Champion, University Day Contests, 2000-2003, 2006-2008
Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines
Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering Department
Outreach Program: House Wiring, Transmission Line Installation, Solar Panel Installation Outreach Activities Conducted in:
Brgy. Luyang and Brgy. Tabong-Tabong, Sibalum,
Antique - January 16-17, 2003
Brgy. Taloato and Brgy. Maayon, San Dionesio, Iloilo - March 12-14, 2003
Brgy. Botbot and Brgy. Pamandayan, Hamtic, Antique - October 20-21,
Brgy. Calapadan
and Brgy. Lanas, Barbaza, Antique - October 18-21, 2004
Brgy. Panpanan Uno and Brgy. Panpanan Dos, San Remegio, Antique - December 15-19, 2004
Brgy. Rosal, Libacao, Aklan - November 24-27,
Brgy. Badiangan
and Brgy. Agbobolo, Ajuy, Iloilo - December 19 & 20, 2006
Brgy. Camia, Brgy. Nagsipit, and Brgy. Igbinangon, San Joaquin, Iloilo – April
21-22, 2007
Brgy. Igpatuyao,
Sebaste, Antique - December 11 to 14, 2008